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Posted:  15 Oct 2013 00:24  
I am baffled at how to handle this situation with a client I've had for awhile. Unfortunately, I am finding out he lies a lot, almost to the point I'm thinking he's a pathological liar. I've been able to tolerate most of his dishonest actions but this recent one is really upsetting to me. I have a 6' rhapis in his hotel and have been noticing lately large amount of the leaves are missing. I think he is taking the leaf cuttings and using them to decorate his tables when he host a function. I asked him about this, and of course he denied it, and further stated I can't prove he's doing anything to my plants. This is not the first time,I've encountered my plants being damaged,and again he tells me I have no way of proving it. He of course is right, however his attitude stinks. The incident with the rhapis really upsets me, since I paid a lot of money for this tree. Any ideas on how to handle this situation. Thanks Nicki
Posted:  15 Oct 2013 02:30  
If you really believe your client is using your plants as sources for free decorative greenery, and he denies doing so, you have two possible approaches you can take:

1. Change the plant to something he can't use, say, a Dracaena marginata.  He'll get the message.

2. Terminate your contract for cause, give him the option of the 30-day out or immediate termination upon payment in full of all outstanding invoices (I'm assuming this is a lease, since you say they're "your" plants), and repossess all the plants.

If you really think he's taking illicit cuttings, have you considered the possibility that maybe it's someone on his staff and he's unaware of it?  Or could it be vandalism?  Hotel guests have been known to become inebriated and do some serious damage to the furnishings before they pass out and sober up.  If there are a lot of banquet functions at this hotel, maybe that would explain it.  Perhaps a staff member is simply removing the evidence in hopes that you won't notice.
Posted:  15 Oct 2013 23:07  
Thanks Clem for your response. Unfortunately, I' m pretty sure it's him, because I've heard some of the staff members comment on this. I may have to terminate due to this being an ongoing situation. What do you mean by a 30 day out?
Posted:  16 Oct 2013 19:22  
Every contract should have a mutual 30-day out clause, whereby either party may notify the other in writing that they wish to terminate the agreement for any reason.  This does not apply to leases, unless the client agrees to pay off the balance of the lease costs, less maintenance fees, to get out of the lease early.  That should be reflected in the language of your contracts.

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